Ancient Secrets of a Master Healer - Clint G. Rogers PH. D.
Two of the greatest obstacles in life are ego and fear.
Why I recommend it
Clint asks his readers to answer questions after each chapter and write them out. It will make you think, and live more intentionally.
- Whom do you love?
- What do you want? (For yourself? For those you love?)
- On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you in your life right now? And what are the things that you can think of that make you happy?
- Every adversity, every difficult situation or heartbreack has within it the seeds of equal or greater benefit. When was a time in your life where you saw a hidden benefit come from a challenge you have faced?
- What thoughts, conversations, foods and activities feel like poison in your life?
- What thoughts, conversations, foods and activities feel like medicine in your life?
- What hidden struggles are those you love facing right now? What might you be able to do to help them?
- What wisdom have you learned from your parents or other, which has helped you?
- What’s an area in your life that allows you to practice forgiveness?
- How do you feel ego and fear impact your life?
- How do you feel your life might change for the better if you were less impacted by fear and ego?
- What have you been exposed to that has been physically, mentally and emotionally toxic?
- Why do you feel you were led to this book about ancient healing?
- What price are you willing to pay for what you want?
- Why is it worth it to you to pay that price?
- What does ‘youth’ mean to you? What does it mean to feel young at any age?
- If ‘youth’ is about flexibility, what are some areas in your life you could be more flexible?
- What percent of the time do you focus on what you don’t want versus what you do want?
- What do you want? And once you have it, what will you do?